die(); The Martin Story - Martin Committee 2 saxophones

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Martin Committee II saxophones

Made 1939 - 1942, (Ser# 127K - 143K) Classification: Professional

The story goes that this horn is based on a LeBlanc design. (I don't know if this is true but if you compare it to a LeBlanc sax of that era the way the name is engraved in the horn is exactly the same.)
That same story says that LeBlanc withdrew their license on that design. So that could be the reason the "The Martin ____" was introduced.

The bore of the body looks smaller then the later "The Martin ___" model. It has a warmer and more compact sound.

The engraving of a lion, crown on the bell gave it their nickname: "The Martin Lion and Crown model".

I am told that the alto versions of these horns are superior to the later "The Martin Altos". This because the intonation on these horns is far better.

I personally like my "The Martin Tenor" more then the Comm2 of a friend I played. Which doesn't mean it's a bad horn. I just like the more powerfull feel of my tenor.
The left thumbrest and the right pinky cluster have a better ergonomic feel when compared to a "The Martin ___".
At least for the tenor I played.

Some people also favor the rugged solid nickel-silver keywork over the brass keywork of the "The Martin ___"

Special features:
- Soldered toneholes
- Lion and Crown engraving
- Special brace between body and bell
- Comm II was stamped in the back of the body

More pictures (click to enlarge)

Some characteristics (click to enlarge)


The keyguards of the low-B and Bb keys

The keyguards of th low-c key

Left and right pinky cluster

The thumbrests voor left and right thumb. You can also see the COMM-II inscription on the body.


Body to bell brace
